Sunday 19 April 2009

Special 1 TV Episode 09

A special Fa CUP weekend episode this week with much great fun & the return of BIG BOSS.
We also get appearences from Ballack & Shearer.


  1. Excellent performance this week from the Ronnie puppet.

    Also, this is from Jose's tweet stream. Enjoy:

  2. Sub standard Episode 10. It's hard being champion every week I understand but I was pretty disappointed.

    Hope the Champions League provides some fuel for next week. Else, you can always make it a great episode by making fun of David Beckham now that he's back in the USA.

  3. Possible sneak preview of next week show?

    Q: What's the difference between Newcastle United and Alan Shearer?

    A: Alan Shearer will be on Match of the Day.

  4. James,

    You absolutely have to play with the idea of Jose announcing the victory of Chelsea only to be corrected by Sven and Rooney owing to the fact that Jose only watched up to the 93rd minute and did not see the last second goal.

    He could then confront Potato Man by calling him up and blasting him for sucking and leaking goals at the bridge.

    What a Semi Final finale. Whoaaaaawoeieieeeee that Iniesta Strike is going to haunt Potato for the rest of his life.

    Keep the seat warm. Jose's coming home Potato!
