Sunday 31 May 2009

Special 1 TV Episode 15 the seasons finale

Here is the very last chance to see Jose & the boys this season.
The lads & the usual phone callers pick their best clips of the 08/09 season & the final clip is the fans favorite -as voted on "special1 tv the network of champions" facebook group & The Doitchampions,videoup12 & other youtube channels. (I bet you won't need 3 guesses at the winner).


  1. Dave-

    Thanks for compiling all of the clips in one place. Great stuff as always.

    And not bad from Rosenstock either! Enjoy the summer.


  2. Thanks Tom - keep an eye on the Doitchampions youtube channel over the summer as any news on Mario or the show will be posted there....& i may edit & upload a couple of special compilations if i get time (best of puppet Ronnie etc)
    Be champions.
